
关于奖学金的一个常见误解是,它们只提供给最聪明的人 students with the highest GPAs. Now while it is true that many scholarships are merit-based, there are just as many that aren't. Many scholarships are offered based on need, residency, ethnic background, major, and more. In fact, there are scholarships out there for just about every kind of student. Click on the headings below to learn more. 更多财政援助资料可参阅网上公告: Undergraduate or Graduate.

FALL 2024 Undergraduate Scholarships

The Andrews Partnership Scholarship (APS) is available to US residents, 被本科课程录取的无证学生和国际学生 on the Berrien campus; students admitted to online and affiliate campus undergraduate programs are not eligible. The Undergraduate Admissions Office 将决定新生和转学生的奖学金数额. To establish the scholarship amount, 本科招生办公室将根据以下准则确定评分:

  • Confirmed U.S. SAT or ACT scores and/or
  • Confirmed U.S. 累积GPA或同等成绩(学院或高中第六学期结束后)

Please contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office or check out the APS website for further details. 

Freshmen 成功达到bet365中文大学入学要求的学生将获得8美元的奖学金,000 - $14,000 per year. 

$14,000 $56,000
$12,000 $48,000
$10,000 $40,000
$8,000 $32,000

Transfer students (domestic & 加拿大学生转25个或以上学期学分到bet365中文大学的全日制本科生和他们的第一个学位课程可能有资格获得bet365中文合作奖学金. 转学生没有资格获得ACT或SAT成绩的额外APS,因为他们的APS是基于他们的累积大学GPA. Based on their college GPA, the Undergraduate Admissions Office 将根据以下条件授予bet365中文合作伙伴奖学金:

3.50 and higher $9,000
3.67 - 3.89 $7,000
3.50 - 3.66 $5,000
2.50 (and below) - 3.49 $3,000

Starting Fall 2023

3.90 and higher $14,000
3.67 - 3.89 $12,000
3.50 - 3.66 $10,000
2.50 (and below) - 3.49 $8,000

Andrews Gift Aid
In addition to the Andrews Partnership Scholarship, bet365中文大学提供bet365中文奖学金,以帮助满足学生的经济援助信息所确定的需求. 为了有资格获得bet365中文礼物,学生必须完成财政援助申请流程. 

Named Scholarships
来自校友和大学朋友的捐赠基金和其他限制性奖学金基金提供特别命名的奖学金,作为bet365中文合作奖学金的一部分. Selected students are offered, by their school, a named scholarship based on academic performance, declared major and career goals. 命名,捐赠奖学金成为bet365中文合作伙伴奖学金的一部分.

Student Missionary/Taskforce Volunteer Scholarship
该奖学金提供给曾担任学生传教士或特别小组志愿者的本科生,并在服务的第二年全职注册bet365中文大学. The $1,500 scholarship is a one-year offer divided over two semesters. It is not transferable to any other school or any other student. 该奖学金由校园事工办公室的学生传教士/特别小组志愿者项目主任批准. This scholarship is not part of the Andrews Partnership Scholarship.

Summer Ministries Scholarship Program  (Available Fall Semester only)

  • 2023年夏令营奖学金将以每周220美元为基础,最多13周或2,860美元.  学生财务服务部将根据夏令营主管及时提供的财务信息确定奖学金金额.
  • Magabooks and HHES are matched 50% of the net earnings. 在奖学金发放之前,所有的净收入必须存入学生在bet365中文大学的账户. The scholarship cap is $2,900.
  • 根据bet365中文大学宗教部提供给学生金融服务的信息,bet365中文大学实地传教暑期奖学金和教会外展项目的净收入是100%匹配的, church, or conference.  The scholarship cap is $1,850 and is available on odd years only.
  • bet365中文大学宗教部巴纳巴斯连接(本科生)和教会/会议外展项目的夏季奖学金100%匹配,基于每个组织提供给学生金融服务的信息. 全部奖学金必须存入学生在bet365中文大学的账户. The scholarship cap is $2,700.

所有的夏季奖学金都提供给贝里恩斯普林斯校区的全日制本科生和研究生. The scholarship closing date for consideration is October 31 of the current academic year. If a student attends Adventist Colleges Abroad, 学生传教士或特别小组的奖学金将保留到下一年,资金将在下一个秋季学期发放. 如果他们在那一年的暑期事工项目中工作,奖学金将在第二年的秋季学期颁发.

National Merit Finalists Scholarship, National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar, National African American Recognition Program Scholar, National Indigenous Recognition Program Scholar, National Rural/Small Town Recognition Program Scholar, and APS/SAT Scholarship
Andrews University rewards the scholars listed above(for a composite score of 34 ACT or 1490 SAT (SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing + Math) or higher or pSAT-NMSQT of 1470 (ERW and Math) or higher; a special Andrews Partnership Scholarship that covers 100% tuition for four years for incoming freshmen with a cap of 144 credits and limited to a degree. To confirm receipt of the scholarship, submit appropriate records to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. All gift aid received, including a university scholarship or grant, 每学期最多16个学分不能超过全额学费, book charges of up to $550 per semester, plus General and recognized course fees. When total gift aid is more than the costs mentioned above, 大学奖学金或助学金会减少,直到奖学金等于学费. All gift aid is added in the following order: external scholarships, merit aid, and then need-based aid. 外部奖学金和优秀学生资助部分是否应该超过学费, books and fees limit, 寄宿生的最低食宿费可以计算在内. To confirm receipt of the scholarship, submit appropriate records (award letter, certificate and/or official test scores) to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. More information available in the Andrews University Bulletin.

Music Performance Scholarships
音乐合唱团成员的表演奖学金最高可达1500美元, Orchestra, and Wind Symphony. To  be eligible for a performance scholarship, students must complete an application process, audition and match the needs of the ensemble(s). Recipients do not have to be a music major to receive this scholarship. This scholarship is not part of the Andrews Partnership Scholarship. Click here 从音乐系网页下载奖学金申请及推荐表格.

Canadian Exchange Rebate
In an effort to help bridge the US-Canadian exchange rate gap, 已经决定,如果汇率(以加拿大银行为基础), published rates) for the Canadian dollar drops below .90 USD, Andrews University will offer a rebate based on the US equivalent of payments made, not to exceed the amount owed per semester. More information is available at the Canadian Exchange Rate Plan page.

George Floyd Scholars Program

Introduced in 2020, offers a full-tuition scholarship each year. Deadline is June 30. Criteria is as follows:

  • 被录取为2023年秋季主校区全日制本科新生
  • 有资格获得佩尔助学金(2023-2024年FAFSA结果用于确定佩尔资格)
  • 提交一篇文章(至少500字),表达个人对…的热情, and commitment to, 在社会上促进种族平等和正义,并提出切实可行的想法,以表明这一承诺.
  • Essays should be sent to with George Floyd Scholars Application in subject line.
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